While I dig all the sci-fi characters in Risk of Rain, I still haven't unlocked most of them, the game is simply too hard for me. I especially like Tink29's interpretations of the tiny pixel characters, they have a unified theme while being distinct from each other. Here's the artwork I based this custom on - https://www.deviantart.com/tink29/art/Risk-of-Rain-Huntress-483705599
Base figure was a generic DCUC female completely sculpted over. Those figures are so scrawny that even with the added bulk The Huntress ended up with much better proportions.
I also made a few items with the left over bits of apoxie sculpt:
•Skeleton Key
•Monster Tooth
•Hermit's Scarf (worn like a sash)
•Hopoo Feather
Some battle damage and weathering and we have a kickass space warrior.